Tuesday, August 18, 2009


Welcome to PresentDayPatriots.com, a blog for the teenage generation of America with the goal of shedding truthful light to today's greatest issues from the viewpoint of a young Conservative! The young people of today have the power to either make or break the republic-- to either save or squelch our natural born rights given to us by God and secured by the Founding Fathers. Whether we like it or not, we have the opportunity-- and the obligation, to be present-day patriots. The road ahead is not a clearly paved one, but I'm up to the task and pray there are more teens out there who desire to stand up and speak out for the truth.

On the radio, on the internet, on television... it seems like every news station or talk show host throws around words like stimulus package... universal health care... economic recession... socialism... republic. Such words seem to bring about a number of emotions from the teenage generation. Perhaps you feel a great deal of stress, stress about what the future holds for you, or the security of a parent's job. While you blame either the Republican or Democratic party for the country's problems, you realize the party you thought you belonged to hasn't stepped up to the plate either. You are not alone.

A few of you may see the significance of these words, but assume that, as a young person, there is nothing you can do. The bad economy and growing government are things I can't stop. We're just going to have to deal with it. There is something you can do.

And sadly, there exists a number of teens who don't know the meaning or the importance of nearly half or all of the said words, and furthermore, don't care; someone else will take care of things, right? Wrong.

We are the future of this country, and the responsibility to save the republic rests in our hands. "The land of the free" slips further and further out of reach everyday as the United States government tightens its grip around the auto and health care industries. Our constitutional rights slowly disappear as those who speak out are called "racist" or "radical extremists", sending our country down a slippery slope towards socialism, in which unalienable rights are replaced with government control and intervention. Is this truly a government by, for, and of the people?

The reckless growth of our government poses a daily threat to every citizen's God-given right to life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness. These unalienable rights may sound like just a simple phrase you learned in history class... but they are so much more than that. The Founding Fathers-- George Washington, John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, Patrick Henry, and so many more-- sacrificed their lives, fortunes, and sacred honor in order to secure your right to speak freely, worship the religion you choose, to voice your personal opinion without punishment, to go to college for the career of your choice, secure a good job, to save money in order to buy a house, a car, start a family... life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness represent everythng we Americans appreciate and live our lives around, and tend to take for granted. In case you haven't noticed, everything that has made America one of, if not the most free nations on Earth, everything the Founders fought to secure, everything our brave soldiers have fought to protect since the ratification of the Constitution... is being threatened by a society's burning desire for political correctness and a socialist level of equality for all.

Maybe you think it's all a bunch of nonsense-- like that high school relationship drama in the cafeteria last week, the question of universal health care, the economy, the reckless government spending, tensions in the Middle East and North Korea will all blow over eventually, and then things will be fine and dandy again, back to normal. Sure, we could just put all of the issues in the back of our minds; focus more on who the Hollywood celebrities are sleeping with this week or the whereabouts of "Jon" from Jon and Kate Plus Eight.

But can we afford to?

And do we have the right to?

You know what you want in your future, or at least you have a good idea. College. A dream career. A nice house, a decent car. A salary to support your hobbies and a decent world for your kids to grow up in would be awesome, too. By putting the problems of today's world out of our minds, we put our futures solidly in the hands of career politicians in Washington D.C. Personally, that doesn't sound like a bright future to me.

When the original 13 Colonies were being unfairly taxed into oblivion by Great Britain, the colonists didn't tune out the oppression and wait for someone else to come to the rescue. Minutemen assembled to protect their means of defense and townships from the most powerful nation on Earth; delegates from each colony bravely signed a piece of parchment that declared their Independence, then fought, and won, an eight-year-long war to secure it. I know I, for one, cannot and will not put the efforts of our Founders to create a free-thinking and independent nation to shame by passing the buck to a white-collar politician in Congress or the White House. We won't be brandishing muskets on a different battlefield, but we'll be speaking out against the government's usurpations and abuses, and our ammunition will be the truth.

Chances are that reading this hasn't given you the inspiration to run for a political office or call your Congressman (though neither are bad ideas). Yet I hope this blog will open your eyes to the issues our world faces today that will inevitably affect us tomorrow. No, as teens we cannot change the course of history in the blink of an eye, but We The People, as Americans, have the responsibility to excercise and protect our rights as stated in the Constitution.

Speak the truth. Put family first. Think for yourself; don't believe everything the media reports. Always question. Benjamin Franklin is quoted in saying, "It is the responsibility of all citizens to question authority." Elect the most qualified, honest individuals that will be the best for political offices, regardless of their speaking skills or image. Corrupt politicians that put their careers over United States citizens do not belong in the governing seats of our country! Become educated on current events going on in our country and world. An educated citizen will not follow a fast-talking politician down the raod to more oppressive forms of government-- socialism, fascism, communism-- as history has proven.

Realize that a government capable of giving citizens everything is equally capable of taking everything away.

Nearly 200 years ago, a brave generation of Americans risked everything to create a government served the people, a world where voices could be heard, religion could be practiced, dreams achieved. DO you feel as if, anymore "we the people" are the ones expected to be serving the government? If so, you've come to the right place... check PresentDayPatriots.com frequently for political updates and feel free to comment with your own views. We live in a time that will define the character of America's people; will we follow the politicians who promise but do not follow through, or will we stand up for our beliefs and be patriots of the present day? In the words of the great Patrick Henry, "I know not the course others may take... but as for me, give me liberty, or give me death!"

1 comment:

  1. Thank GOD there are a few young people that think like this. We need MORE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
