Sunday, May 30, 2010

Summer is here!

Hey everyone! I am happy to say that finals are FINALLY over and summer is here! I hope everyone is having a fun and safe summer already... and congrats to all who have graduated! Just one more year and I'll be graduating too. :o

I have a few interesting links I wanted to share with you...

Santa Ana College in Orange County, CA is offering a $2500 scholarship, and those eligible include illegal/undocumented immigrants. Yeah... a school endorsing the breaking of the law. Why it is so difficult the concept of ILLEGAL as in AGAINST THE LAW?!

While a spokeswoman for the college, Laurie Wiedner, speaks on behalf of this scholarship and says public funds will NOT be used, Dana Rohrabacher, (R-Calif) holds different opinions: "The fact that a public employee of a public college is seeking to circumvent immigration laws is problematic," he told "The fact that it's being associated with a public institution means there's public funds involved: If you have a fund being operated by public employees, it's public."

Why is it America is continually for everyone BUT Americans? Wow.

Hillary Clinton thinks "the rich are not paying their fair share..."

And the left is STILL blaming the Bush Administration even after the Obama Admin. has been in office for over a year.

Really, Nancy... it's time to come up with a new excuse, that one's so cliche these days.

Whatever happened to responsibility? Why can't we stop trying to lay blame on anyone and everything, and start coming up with some solutions to this oil disaster?

Have a great day!


  1. Pelosi doesn't understand thatg the oil spill is actually a good thing. It is an expression of the free market. Who expects businesses to cut into profit margins just to safeguard the environment? The environment is just the commons and we all know that private property is better than commons. BP just needs to own the Gulf, maybe then they would be more careful with it.

    And also, think how many oil cleanup jobs will be created.

  2. Do you think the rich are paying their fair share? Did you know that in Alabama, the richest 1% of citizens pays 3.8% of income in taxes? The poorest fifth pays 10.6% of income in taxes. And nationally it's not much different. I hate to say it but I'll have to agree with Hillary on this one.

    As a caveat, I'll just say that I couldn't get to the link you posted.
