Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Never let a good crisis go to waste...

Hey everyone! I hope you all have had a great weekend. I have been busy the past few days so haven't been able to reach PDP to update... but over the weekend--Saturday night to be exact--I had the privilige and honor of attending Bill O'Reilly and Glenn Beck's BOLD FRESH Tour in St. Louis. It was, in a word, incredible! Glenn and Bill each spoke for thirty minutes, giving commentary on current events, both brutally honest while humorous, and to finish, both Fox News anchors went back and forth in a question/answer session. The Bold Fresh Tour was an thoroughly enjoyable night as the seats of Chaifetz Arena at St. Louis University were packed with like-minded Conservatives with one common goal, to restore honor and integrity in this country (though I'm sure there a few protestors lurking somewhere...). It was great to be among fellow Patriots!


Quite a bit has occurred in the last week regarding the Gulf Oil Disaster. If you didn't get a chance to see Obama's speech regarding the oil spill...

I won't comment on the technical aspects of his speech--though the constant hand movements and condescending tone did annoy... but what frustrated me the most was his insistence on moving the country away from oil dependency. Whatever is on your agenda this week, Mr. President, be it a decreased oil dependency, go-green underwear for all your cabinet members or what ever... when there are gallons of crude oil in the thousands each day, could you maybe put your agenda aside and focus on the task at hand? Then, if you must, you can get back to your pointless and unproductive activities...like suing Arizona. And playing golf.

I'm not calling for the government to get their hands in yet another issue and take control, I'm saying that local governments and state governments and the federal government itself HAVE the resources. But the Obama Administration--and BP-- just seem to have other, more important things to tend to.

The scheduled meeting with BP Executives? It was planned to only last 20 minutes.


The President indulged in yet another golf game... coincidentally around the same time that BP CEO Tony Hayward took a trip on his yacht.


And possibly the most ridiculous--not necessarily directly related to Obama or BP, but the fact that the US Coast Guard halted barges that were effectively sucking up oil off the Louisiana coast... because there was confusion as to whether life vests and fire extinguishers were on board. The barges sat idle for a day.


Come on. It's the COAST GUARD! Could the barges not have borrowed a few life vests to continue cleaning up oil?

In his speech addressing the oil catastrophe, Obama stated that “We will fight this spill with everything we’ve got for as long as it takes"... well, sir, so far I am having a very hard time believing that. If you meant it, I think you would have made a statement like this before Day 50 of the spill. If you meant it, I think you would decline a few Ford's Theater concert and former-Beatle performances and golf-outings to take care of business in a country whose Constitution you swore to uphold and defend.

It sadly makes me think of something Obama's Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel said awhile ago...

Don't let a good crisis go to waste. Couple that with Obama's promise to decrease oil dependency and what do you have?

Lieberman and Kerry's American Powers Act...Cap and Trade... http://www.nytimes.com/cwire/2010/06/17/17climatewire-conservatives-work-to-tar-cap-and-trade-bill-42785.html.

Never let a good crisis go to waste... just a thought.

I'll leave you to ponder that fact. In the meantime, have a great summer and remember to tell your friends about Present Day Patriots! Thanks for reading, and as always, God Bless America!


  1. The drilling moratorium is going to have costly effects on the U.S. economy and on individuals.

    Though I do think he's an idiot, I don't begrudge the president his golf time. We all need our moments of activity and "downtime."

  2. Don't let a good crisis go to waste. If you have a heart attack, it's time to start exercising; if you have intolerable environmental costs, it's time to start implementing alternatives. Makes sense to me.

  3. Anonymous, it doesn't make sense to me when those leading our country take advantage of such crises, do nothing to encourage or assist their resolution, only to further their agenda in the disaster's wake.

    Maybe with a heart attack it makes sense. But I think we are dealing with something much more potent than that.

  4. That's true. I wish everyone involved was doing more and taking the whole crisis more seriously.

    On the other hand, you speak as if "furthering their agenda" were a bad thing. Encouraging alternative energy was one of the things Obama was elected to do, which means (I hope) that most Americans think renewable energy is important. It's not as if there is a choice between cleaning up the Gulf on one hand, and encouraging renewable energy sources on the other. They both need to be done.

    (Thanks for the polite response, by the way. It's appreciated.)
