Wednesday, November 17, 2010

If not us, who?

Hi all! I haven't posted in awhile, and I have the usual = busy busy busy! I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving...the news can get pretty depressing sometimes but we as Americans still have quite a lot to be thankful for.

No doubt many of you have probably seen something on the news about the Transportation Security Adminstration's new and extremely friendly (or intimate, whatever you want to call it) "security measures" for passengers of airline flights.
Travelers have two choices; in many airports, new x-ray machines using backscatter technology can screen you (in some airports, the old metal detectors are still being used) and also give you a free (though minute, but it's still there) dose of radiation and a racy pic that could possibly end up on the internet ( ) or, you can really get to know some random TSA agent by a physical pat down. And not just any pat down... this is just one story I found about a woman in Ohio:

And, also, this story of a three-year-old recieving quite an intense pat down as well. Oh yes I said THREE years old. I don't know about you, but I were three years old and some random guy started touching me all over, I would probably freak out...just a little. (Ok, a lot.) The video has been disabled by YouTube, but heres the article...

Are there any boundaries anymore? Will this administration stop at nothing to encroach on privacy more and more? Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano has endorsed actions that are seriously just plain sick and intrusive towards American citizens in the name of security. And yet, I wonder, if there is such a deep concern for our national security that we need to have individuals called "agents" putting their hands down our pants, why is the border open? Why can anyone just waltz through and get a job, a drivers license, etc? I have a hard time believing the Department of Homeland Security has our "best interests" at heart, considering there is now talk of the DHS withdrawing National Guard troops from the border by February.

Here's another interesting video of a man's experience with TSA...

I'm all for security, and with my parents careers, I am definitely all for keeping our airports and aircraft completely safe from any and all terrorist attacks. But seriously, is the best we can come up with--possibly cancer causing x-ray machines that reveal everything, or getting a little too acquainted with a TSA agent? God help us.

On a lighter note, last Sunday at church I heard a particularly moving and meaningful sermon by Rev. Larry Maley (Dardenne Presbyterian Church). I don't want to recopy the entire sermon here, (though it's excellent--so if you want a copy I could email one to you...)but here is a brief excerpt that speaks for itself...

"This nation was birthed by people who sought to practice their Christian faith without fear and interference. They were the invading force for God's Kingdom in this land. Christian principles of personal responsibility and sacrifice built this nation...

Sadly our nation has strayed from its Biblical foundation. We have become a nation where Christians are being instructed to keep their religion to themselves. I am not advocating intolerance towards other religious expressions. I'm merely reminding God's people that the Lord showers blessings on those nations which honor God's righteousness and truth. So if we turn our back on the Lord and His Word, history tells us God will not be mocked.

The economic, social, and moral problems our nation is now experiencing are rooted in pride, power, greed, and selfishness. These are qualities which the Bible calls sin--which are being increasingly glorified in this land. These qualities are the very opposite from those which built this nation...

It is time for Christians to ask themselves the question, 'Are we being transformed by the values of this world (Romans 12:2), or are Christians transforming the world with the Gospel?'"

That last question really hit home with me, and I really hope that I am fulfilling the second half of it. What about this world transforming you into something you aren't, into something you don't want to be? Or are you transforming this world for the better? This verse also used in the sermon I found particularly applicable and meaningful for our nation ......"If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from Heaven and will forgive their sin and heal their land." (2 Chronicles 7:14)

Thank you, Rev. Maley for such an inspiring sermon.

That's all for tonight, I hope to post again soon! Speaking of humbling ourselves, seeking the Lord's face, and turning from our wicked ways to restore our nation...

"If not us, who? If not now, when?" -Ronald Reagan.


  1. I have to disagree with this post for many reasons. First I would not call the x-ray machines cancer causing as the radiation is small, as you said. It takes a very large dose of radiation for multiple long periods of time to cause any serious dangers, not a few moments or so. Second, objects that can be dangerous and life threatening can be shoved in weird and unlikely places in the human body. You see, I understand that, so even if I had a TSA patdown I wouldn't get my knockers in a twist about it. Third, though I hate to say it, children are an easy target for terrorist to use. Maybe the method for children should be different, but what's to stop someone from using a child as a walking time-bomb. Fourth, you probably have a better chance of getting a naked photo of yourself from some peeping tom's hidden camera than an airport's security screen.

  2. To me, radiation is radiation, and it's the government inflicting this and the invasive pat downs upon citizens in the name of "security." What will be next? Where does it stop? People get fired from their every day jobs from such harassment and/or pictures similar to what is happening with TSA...I really have a hard time seeing what makes this different, other than it's government-endorsed.

    Personally I think it's a ploy to continue to encroach on privacy. If they are so concerned with whats in our undies, why weren't these measures enforced when the underwear bomber made his grand entrance to the terror stage almost a year ago? And all this while the border is wiiddeee open. Doesn't make much sense to me.
