Sunday, September 25, 2011

'12 Republican Candidates-Herman Cain

If you’ve been watching any debates lately, you’ve probably formed some opinions on the line-up of 2012 presidential hopefuls vying for the Oval Office. A few of them are seasoned politicians, some are just smooth talkers, others I wonder how they can even call themselves Republicans; but one candidate stands out in particular.

I am increasingly impressed with Herman Cain. In the past few debates I have watched, and in listening to him speak in interviews, he seems to be the “realest,” down-to-Earth candidate out there, compared to seasoned politicians like Mitt Romney, Michele Bachmann, Newt Gingrich, and Rick Perry (I know, “realest” isn’t a word). Oftentimes politicians want to come across as “one of the people”…I think Herman Cain doesn’t just come across that way, he is one of the American people. He is not a career politician, but a businessman. He turned around Godfather’s Pizza as CEO when the company was on the brink of going under, and has held other numerous positions of immense responsibility ( I think the Left-wingers will dwell on the fact that he has little political experience, but he obviously knows how to run a business. Our country is a business that depends on a working economy to function properly, and right now I think it’s safe to say our finances are seriously out of line.

Cain’s tax reform ideas are quite fascinating, also. He outlines this plan in detail at his website ( Watch this clip from the debate where he briefly explains his “999 Plan”:

Herman Cain won the Florida GOP Straw Poll with around 37% of the vote. ( I really think he has what it takes to straighten out our economy. What say you about the 2012 presidential hopefuls? Comment below!!

1 comment:

  1. I think that the best person to get the job done - who has both the incredible political savvy required PLUS has the intellect to truly understand how to get this country on the right track (and I mean more than getting the economy moving) is completely unelectable in today's world ...and that is Newt Gingrich. Herman would do a great job with the economy BUT being the CEO of the United States of America is a much bigger job than that and I think that we do not have the time to have a President who needs to learn a large chunk of the job after he is President. Foreign Affairs is too important in this GWT world we now live in. BUT, there is a very good chance that a Gingrich/Cain or Cain/Grindrich ticket could win AND would be the right package to take our country back!
