Saturday, December 24, 2011

What Christmas Means to Me

I’ve been meaning to post a new blog entry for several days now, but every time I found a possible topic or news story to discuss, something would happen that usually doesn’t when I’m writing a blog post…I was at loss for words. Right now, I just don’t have much to say about the payroll tax cut extension, Obama’s vacation, GOP candidates, or any other news stories. (Hard to believe, I know!) So I’m turning to a topic that is of much greater importance to me and millions of Christians at this time, something that’s more important than anything going on in Washington D.C, and the greatest “news” that we on Earth will ever receive—the birth of Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior.

Most of us know the story—in simple terms, the Son of God, Jesus, was born in a lowly stable in Bethlehem to the virgin Mary and her husband Joseph. And we celebrate the birth of this child every year on December 25th. Glittering lights, presents, well-loved songs and decorated trees also accompany this time of year. Many people see this holiday as just that—an ancient birthday celebration with presents and great food for those who choose to celebrate it. But it’s so much more than just a date on the calendar. What does the birth of Christ really mean? Christmas means different things to different people, I’m sure, but I’d like to share what Christmas means to me.

Christmas is a time that makes me “slow down” in my personal life, in my worldly concerns, and reminds me of something much greater than myself. Christmas, first and foremost, reminds me of the unfathomable love of God; “For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life.” (John 3:16) It is humbling and awe-inspiring to realize that the Creator of the Universe loves us so much that he sent his own son to save us from our sinful ways. I am humbled because, though I am such an imperfect sinner, I am still always loved, always forgiven because of Jesus Christ.

Christmas gives me hope. Lately, I have been anxious and stressed about what my future holds, and the current state of our country and the world itself. Sometimes I feel like I’m walking around in the dark, flailing my arms wildly trying to find direction. But I am reminded that I am never alone so long as I follow Jesus. Though there is darkness everywhere in our world, I believe in the words of John 8:10 when Jesus says, “I am the light of the world. He who follows Me shall not walk in darkness, but have the light of life.” Christmas makes me see Jesus’ light brighter than before and gives me hope for the future.

Most importantly, Christmas reminds me of the powerful omnipresence of God. He loved the world, so He sent His son as our Savior. God is not just a far away Creator, detached from his Creation—He is at work in everything. He is here, always. He is at work in my life, in your life, everywhere, despite attempts to silence the mention and the worship of Him in schools, colleges, and the public in general. And this is the most comforting fact of all. Christmas takes away the fear and anxiety I have of facing a secular world and gives me a stronger resolve to serve God in all that I do.

What does Christmas mean to you?

Take a moment to remember and say a prayer for the many men and women spending Christmas overseas, and for the families who are missing their deployed or fallen loved one during this time as well. Thank you, everyone, for reading, and I hope you have a very blessed Christmas!


  1. Awesome post! I'm right there with you, I have hardly anything to say about all these events-- that's worth blogging, anyway. Have a Merry Christmas! :)
