Saturday, March 13, 2010

If You Want to Help Obama...

By the way, here is something laughable that my mom and I found while perusing through the History and Politics section of Barnes and Noble...

...among the "50 Ways You Can Help Obama Change America"...."Reach Out To Convservatives"... "Hold Extremists Accountable" (I wonder to whom they are referring to as 'extremists'?) ..."Throw A House Party for Change"..."Rescue a Pound Puppy!"..."Support Political Art"... and of course, "Respond to Obama's Call for National Service"! (I'm really not making this up!)

Quality reading, available at a book store near you! :P


  1. this is a great book-- i have read it cover to cover. you should get your facts straight before you downmouth a book like that.

  2. Which facts are not straight? If you've read it you should know that those statements are actual chapter titles of the book. :)

  3. disrespectful. very disrespectful.

  4. Not seeing the "disrespect" in this... and anyway "respect" is to be earned...
