Wednesday, April 14, 2010

A Bit More on the Tea Parties...

Hi again everyone! Yesterday I spoke of the incredible grassroots Tea Party movement, modeled off the actions of the Sons of Liberty of almost 240 years ago. Today I have a few more comments/links to share with you on this topic.

Mike Fellows, who I am proud to call my cousin-in-law, spoke at a Tea Party last year in Auburn, Alabama. Below is the link to the youtube video of his speech... I was, and still am very moved and inspired by his words and encourage you to watch all ten minutes of the speech. Mike, in my opinion, is THE farthest thing from the extremist, racist, pitchfork-carrying radicals that liberals have labeled Tea Party Patriots as. He is a true American, concerned for the future of the country in which his children will live. View the Video Here.

Mike is a candidate for Lee County (Alabama) Family Court Judge (Circuit Judge, Place 3)... visit his website at (Thanks Mike for letting me post your speech :) )

Today in Boston, Sarah Palin made an appearance at a Boston Tea Party... strangely reminiscent of a similar Tea Party held in Boston over two centuries ago. Click here for the clip of Palin's speech.

With tomorrow being Tax Day--April 15--Tea Partys will be popping up all across the United States. These Americans will be fighting with words and the truth to take back America and the principles of the Founders; these Americans will be fighting to keep the government working FOR the people, not the other way around. Leftist dissidents (who happen to have way too much free time, and no facts to debate the Tea Party Patriots with) will possibly attempt to "crash" these Tea Parties... but as I said yesterday, the truth is something that can withstand even the harshest verbal beating.

If you will be attending or speaking at a Tax Day Tea Party, please email me at, or leave a comment and tell about your experience!

Have a fantastic week, and long live the Republic. :)


  1. Very much enjoyed Mr. Fellows' speech. Thanks for posting it, Sarah. We need more patriots like yourself and Mike.

  2. Sarah, have you read the "Open Letter to Fellow Conservatives"? I'd be interested in hearing how a thinking conservative like yourself would respond. (So far the main response I've heard has been "So Democrats have never done anything bad?!"--which is a valid point but not, of course, what the letter is about.)
