Monday, April 5, 2010

Happy Easter

Hi everyone, sorry for the long absence! Hope everyone had a great Easter weekend! I have a new blog post coming soon, but I just wanted to share a quote on Freedom of Speech with you...

"If the freedom of speech is taken away then dumb and silent we may be led, like sheep to the slaughter.” -George Washington

America was founded by those who spoke out against unjust leadership... we find ourselves back in that position today, only now those who speak out are at risk for public smearing, slander, the ruining of businesses and lives. A free people cannot remain free if they put the entirety of their lives blindly into the hands of a government.

Just a thought for the day.... new post coming soon!


  1. Wasn't your english project on banning the burning of the American flag?

  2. No, actually. It was a social commentary expressing my belief that the American Flag should be RESPECTED.
