Monday, July 26, 2010

In the words of Samuel Adams

Hi everyone, I hope you've had a great Monday. First I would like to say that I will also be posting some of my blog posts on a blog called Conservative Blogs Central... thousands of Conservative bloggers post there every day so it's pretty cool to be among them. :) Check out !

I found some pretty interesting, scary, frustrating, infuriating stories lately and I can't help but share.

I know I'm not the only would that appreciate a little fiscal responsibility from the government. Between 2009 and 2010, while throwing away literally millions and millions of taxpayer money, Congress was bellying up to the table... check out these numbers from the House Expenditure Reports Database! (Click on the link below to see all the stats from our famished Congress...below are just some of my favorites.)

$604,000 on bottled water alone... good grief. Do they not have reuseable water bottles on Capitol Hill? Or how about a DRINKING FOUNTAIN? Think of all those plastic bottles that will no doubt end up in a landfill...I just don't know how they sleep at night.

$397,000 on catering...

$3,694 on barbeque from Gates Barbeque... in KANSAS CITY, MO spent by the House Committee on Homeland Security. As the site says, our tax dollars are literally paying for pork.

$202,927 spent by Republicans...

and $298,734 spent by Democrats...but that's because they have Barney Frank.

So I guess if you're a foodie, Congress is THE place to be. We want our elected representatives working hard at writing thousand page, clear-as-mud, unconstitutional, progressive legislation to be well fed I suppose.

The hypocrisy of our dear President is just incredible. He recently told Federal workers "to cut down on business travel and commuting by car" in an effort to reduce those pesky green house gas emissions.

But...I guess jet fuel doesn't apply? Because Michelle and Barry just had a nice lil' trip to Maine... oh and so did their pooch. But he took a separate jet. Oh. Wow. That seems like quite a bit of CO2. You don't want dog hair in Air Force One though... but oh, right, Portuguese Water Dogs don't shed...

And even more exciting, Mama and Daughter O are going on a trip to Spain. More CO2. And about 30 hotel rooms at a 5-star hotel courtesty of American taxpayers. I guess it's a "do as I say, not as I do" sorta thing.,michelle-obama-vacation-spain.html

This next link is just scary. Thanks to Charlie Rangel, there is now legislation out there stating that it would:

To require all persons in the United States between the ages of 18 and 42 to perform national service, either as a member of the uniformed services or in civilian service in furtherance of the national defense and homeland security, to authorize the induction of persons in the uniformed services during wartime to meet end-strength requirements of the uniformed services, and for other purposes.

AKA, a draft. Lord help us.

This last one really, really makes my blood boil. I regret that I have to subject my readers to a clip from CNN (I'm sorry, I really am) but in light of the Shirley Sherrod case, I fear our First Amendment rights are going to be one of the next liberties under attack.

First and foremost, these people just make me cringe with their laughable discussion over "checks and balances" over anonymous bloggers. Roberts says anonymous blogging would be acceptable in Iran or North Korea, but not here. Wait. Whoa. Stop the train. Hold the phone. Folks in Iran and North Korea aren't at liberty to write what the believe because of totalitarian dictators...but yet you suggest checks and balances on internet blogging in the United States, where we DO have the right to free speech and press?!?! Where in the world did you go to college, John Roberts of CNN?

I could pick apart their terminology all night (freedom of first amendment? I think we are entitled to the rights IN the first amendment, Kyra.) And I'm not sure if she meant that all bloggers are "cowards, and people seeking attention"...and if so, I take a bit of offense to that overgeneralization; but if she meant anonymous bloggers who are the attention-seeking cowards...if they don't put their name, I don't see how they can be wanting attention...hmm.

Roberts asserts that bloggers should at least put their names on comments...and with this, I kind of agree, because I've had so many anonymous comments on my blog that I'm just DYING to know who wrote them :) ... but their call for a "crackdown on bloggers" is a red flag.

People with too much free time put trashy, incorrect, blackmail-material type stuff on the internet every day. It's in one's best interest to sort out the good and the bad and to find the REAL FACTS (but, remember, last week I discussed how Obama, and the left in general, finds facts rather inconvenient). And no, Mr. President, too much information is not a distraction or source of confusion to the country that put a man on the moon...

They can call me a coward, or a crazy attention seeker, but they'll never shut me up. :)Even when the government regulates how many a's I can have in my name, I'll keep on writing the truth.

I don't write these things to scare people, I don't write these things for attention or to get credit. I write because people need to know. I still see people oblivious to what is going on in our country, still "choosing to ignore", still choosing to be that token ostrich in the crowd, with their head in the sand. It's no longer a matter of if you have an interest in politics or not. It's a matter of the level of interest you have in our country and everything we have--our right to live as a free people. And if you don't think it could happen in America, think again, because it's happening right now.

We can't be on the fence anymore. We can't afford to be passive and submit to those who assure that tomorrow we will wake up and the good old government will take care of us. They won't. And they shouldn't. It's time to decide if you value the republic and the future of the republic enough, or if you really don't care. Let me remind you that our fight will not be fought with firearms and weapons, but with words, with facts, and with reason. In the words of Samuel Adams...

"If ye love wealth greater than liberty, the tranquility of servitude greater than the animating contest for freedom, go home from us in peace. We seek not your counsel, nor your arms. Crouch down and lick the hand that feeds you; May your chains set lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that ye were our countrymen!"

1 comment:

  1. Love the anger and sarcasm, Sarah. Keep it up!
