Monday, September 20, 2010

Colin Powell has gone off the "deep end."

Hi everyone, I was scanning through some links this morning and I found a CBNC Economic Poll (no, I do not get all my facts from Fox News only :) ...) that I found fascinating. I'm a nerd; I love looking at polls, graphs, and stats like these. Below is a link to the poll conducted regarding the current economic conditions, conducted by Public Opinion Strategies/Hart Research on September 9th and 12th. To me it's obvious American's know something's afoot, that this "recession" is far from over, and that allowing the Bush tax cuts to expire may not be the best decision. This poll also brings to light the fact that the economy, the existence of jobs, spending and deficit are among main concerns. The first link is to a write up about the poll, a summary of the results, and the second is to the poll and graphs themselves.

Poll: Extend Bush Tax Cuts

Complete Economic Poll Results

I just found another little joyous tidbit on (really--check this site out).

Once again it's the omittance of that nasty word "illegal" that brought my attention to Former Secretary of State Colin Powell. He states that "illegal immigrants do essential work in the U.S"... and he knows this, because they "work on his house."

Well that's just great. Way to support legal citizens working in the landscape/yard care industry, when unemployment is in the double digits. I just cannot comprehend what is so difficult to realize that those illegally here are breaking the law. Don't call me anti-immigration; I'm definitely not. But go through the naturalization process. If you're going to do something so important and pivotal as seek a new, better life in the United States, do it right! I do believe we could make the naturalization process and the process of obtaining a Green Card more accessible to those wishing to come to the US. Don't say I don't show sympathy for folks who wish to come to America because conditions in their country of birth are less than desirable...I do. Millions of immigrants saw, and still do see, America as a "shining city on a hill" and continue to risk everything to get here. I think people from around the world who desire a second chance on America's shores should have the opportunity to enjoy the rights we do...and I wish them the best, and if given the opportunity I would help them to the best of my ability to get settled and start a life here...but, not if such a person were breaking the law and taking a job from a legal citizen.

I could discuss that all day, but I, I just want to share with you a few words from our White House "Science Czar" John P. Holdren. He seems like a really fun guy. According to a book he wrote in '73, he'd like to work to "de-develop" the United States and believes that "wealth distribution is absolutely essential in order to provide a decent life for everyone." Oh my. Can I please tell this loon that I'll keep my money, you keep yours, and the quality of my life is up to me and is a result of the decions I make. Personal responsibility. Thank you very much, have a nice day. I really feel like our environmental well being is in the hands of a great guy now. Don't you? Such a relief. (please note sarcasm).

Well, that is all for today, thanks for reading... I'll leave you with a final quote, one of my favorites..."The American Republic will endure until the day Congress discovers that it can bribe the public with the public's money." -Alexis de Tocqueville (Democracy in America)

Gotta love Alexis. :) Have a great week, everyone!


  1. Sarah did you see the article with the video of Colin saying how dissappointed he is in this administration. Colin totally gave up all of his values to support this guy...hmmm...I wonder why? Good post Sarah..keep up the good fight. We need more young people like you.

  2. Keep up the good work Sarah, one of your academic admirers.
