Thursday, June 7, 2012

CPAC CHICAGO! And Scott Walker...

Hey ya'll! I'm sitting in Chicago right now waiting impatiently for tomorrow when CPAC Chicago will start at 8 AM! For those of you who don't know, CPAC is a conference (there are a few held at different times of the year in different places) with conservatives speakers and panels. Tomorrow's CPAC features Chris Christie, Rick Santorum, Rand Paul, Bobby Jindal, Michele Bachmann, and many other great conservative minds from across the country! I'm especially excited because two of my fellow blogging-friends and I got media credentials, so we have special access to the media room where we will *hopefully* be able to interview/meet/get pictures with some of the people I listed above. I've also got my digital camera and a flip video I'm hoping to get some good material and lots of inspiration for blog posts. :) Here's the schedule if you're curious...

Also, I can't help but comment on the vast amount of Wisconsin liberals and union thugs who are most likely weeping in defeat right now after Scott Walker's epic victory in the recall election. Talk about inspiration. America still values fiscal sanity and responsibility and they proved it by keeping in office their Governor who is making positive changes to Wisconsin. There is hope!

And one more thing! If you're in the state of Missouri, you may want to check out the Republican Senate Candidate Debate at Lindenwood on Monday night. It's being hosted by 97.1 FM Newstalk and moderated by STL Radio personalities Jamie Allman and Dana Loesch. Here's a link to reserve tickets!

Well, thanks for reading! Check back for updates and *hopefully* photos from CPAC! Follow me on twitter for live updates, as well, as I'm going to try to live-tweet the whole thing! My twitter handle is: @sarah_hinds76

God bless, have a great weekend!

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