Friday, June 8, 2012

CPAC: Pics and Reflection! was awesome. If you didn't read my last post, I spent today at CPAC Chicago, listening to some great contributors to the conservative movement like Michele Bachman, Rand Paul, Chris Christie, Rick Santorum, Herman Cain and Bobby Jindal. I met some new conservatives as well and I'm leaving Chicago very, very inspired and energized for the continued fight to restore American values and common sense.

I won't ramble on about each individual speaker's remarks, but I have to say that I was very impressed, especially by Chris Christie and Bobby Jindal. I've heard these two speak before but never in person. Both of them were excellent in conveying their message without reading from a teleprompter or directly from notes. Both speeches were fascinating, also, because both of them are Governors of states in which they've had to face crises, be it self-inflicted crises or not.

Governor Jindal of Louisiana faced the traumatic BP oil spill in 2010. He related this event and the Obama administration's despicable handling of it to the President and his cabinet's overall incompetency. Governor Christie of New Jersey faced a challenge not from nature but from teacher's unions. (If you don't remember hearing about that ordeal, it's a blog post in itself!)

Overall, I was impressed with all of the speakers and noticed that many of those holding positions such as governor/senator (Governor Kasich of Ohio, Governor Christie, Governor Jindal, Senator Rand Paul, Senator Ron Johnson of Wisconsin) have all led by example in fiscal responsibility, making improvements to their states' financial situations with needed cuts and firm leadership.

I also had the privilege of meeting and getting a picture with Bobby Jindal and Michele Bachmann. It was great to finally meet such great patriots in person. Both were very friendly... and Michele Bachman now has one of my business cards :)

So finally, here are some photos from the day! I will have a photo of Michele Bachmann and I soon, as it wasn't taken on my camera. Also, if you want to see video clips of any of the speakers, let me know, becuase I videoed a little bit, if not all, of each of the speeches by Santorum, Paul, Bachmann, Jindal, cain and Christie.

Me and Governor Bobby Jindal of Louisiana

Kentucky Senator Rand Paul

Governor Chris Christie of New Jersey

I'll post my photo of Bachmann and I when I get it! Thanks for reading, hope you all have a safe, blessed weekend :) 

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