Saturday, March 20, 2010

A Word on Health Care...

Hello! I will be out of town for the next few days so I wanted to leave an update in case I do not get to a computer until I return.

I found this quote by Thomas Jefferson and I thought it rather appropriate...
"The care of human life and happiness, and not their destruction, is the first and only object of good government".

With the epic vote on the health care bill just hours away (Sunday morning) I hope members of Congress realize what their vote will mean to the United States, and I hope they keep in perspective that the "first and only object of good government" is the "care of human life and happiness, not their destruction". This morning, watching Fox News, I saw an unofficial vote count for the Health Care bill... 214 "no" and 217 "yes"... let's hope and pray for the future of the country that a few undecided members of Congress decide to side with the PEOPLE they were elected to represent and vote against this bill.

Also while watching the news, I saw an amazing thing that, if I lived closer, I would have been a part of... nearly 2,000 Americans gathered on Capitol Hill to protest the health care bill, fully exercising the beautiful rights to free speech and assembly. As I watched, I realized the people holding signs reading "Big Government-NO!" and "Kill the Bill" all looked similar... they were all AMERICANS, concerned for the future of their country, their families, their children. They were Americans who DON'T want the government coming between them and their doctors, who DON'T want this $940 billion overhaul to change the United States, who DON'T want government to overstep it's boundaries any further.

Secretary of the US Department of Homeland Security calls them "right wing extremism"... any other clear-thinking American knows their mothers, fathers, grandparents, husbands, wives, small business owners... the every day hard-working American who just wants representation by their government. All I can say is, if standing up for your beliefs and your Constitutional rights is considered right wing extremism, make the most of it!

May the collective voice of the people prevail... God Bless America.


  1. Thanks God this bill will Pass

  2. are you totally crazy! If it passes I don't think God had anything to do with it.

  3. Sarah, safe travels. No matter what happens with the Health Care Bill, millions of Americans will continue to fight to preserve our liberty and to resist government tyranny and control. We do not do it for ourselves but far your generation and for the generations yet to come who deserve to live in a land where government is not defined by how much control they exert over people's lives, but rather but how strictly limited the power of intrusive elite government in our lives is. Long live the Republic!

  4. I prayed last night that God will let this bill pass for all the poor and downtrodden across the US.

    "He defends the cause of the fatherless and the widow, and loves the alien, giving him food and clothing." Deuteronomy 10:18

  5. The United States was founded upon the idea of personal freedoms and rights granted by GOD, rather than government, and charity for those in need given by fellow citizens to such "poor and downtrodden".

    And when leaders begin to encroach on the personal lives of its citizens in the name of "serving the people," government has overstepped it's is tyranny, not charity. Despotism, not assistance.


    What in "Gods name" does socialized medicine possibly have to do with giving food and clothing to the "poor and downtrodden"......if this administration keeps going down this road...we're ALL going to be "poor and downtrodden".....then who's going to give us hand outs? THE CHINESE??

    Obama and his Progressive friends are focusing on getting whatever can be gotten away with while he's still in power....this is only the beginning....Immigration....Climate "change"....what's next? God Help Us All!
